Drug and Alcohol Testing
Livingston Medical can offer a range of drug and alcohol testing services at their clinic locations and remotely visiting your workplace at any location in the Great Southern and Goldfields.
Our drug and alcohol specimen collection can be performed at the clinics in Ravensthorpe, Hopetoun, Jerramungup, Bremer Bay, Narembeen, Lake Grace, Newdegate, Varley, Kojonup and Gnowangerup
We can test for drug and alcohol via:
Instant Drug and Alcohol test/Instant D&A
Lab based Drug and Alcohol Test
Confirmatory Drug and Alcohol testing
Alcohol breath test
Oral saliva test
Urine drug test
Blood test
For enquiries relating to workplace Drug and Alcohol testing or bulk drug and alcohol testing, please contact Rachel Livingston on rachel@livingstonmedical.com.au