Hopetoun Clinic
Hopetoun Medical Centre is serviced by Dr Hareesh Menon.
Dr Menon is a Rural Generalist and General Practitioner and provides well rounded care to his patients in Hopetoun.
Dr Menon offers many different services including skin checks, excisions and biopsies, mental health care, chronic disease management.
Dr menon is supported by Dr Irene Dolan who offers women’s health appointments and is in Hopetoun every month.
Book your appointment at Hopetoun Doctors Surgery online or via phone.
Hopetoun Medical Centre is located behind the Community resource Centre/ Town Hall on the main street in Hopetoun.
The address is 46 veal Street, Hopetoun, 6348.
Hopetoun Medical Centre is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8.30am – 5pm.
For a Doctors appointment please call the Hopetoun Doctors Surgery on 08 9838 3854 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays or book online.
Alternatively, you can call the Ravensthorpe Surgery on Tuesdays and Thursdays on 08 9838 1600.
If you need to contact our staff please email reception@livingstonmedical.com.au