General Practice

Livingston medical offer GP Services in Ravensthorpe, Hopetoun, Jerramungup, Bremer Bay and Varley.

GP Services include but are not limited to:

  • GP Consultations

  • Long consultation

  • CST Screening

  • Mental Health assessments and management plans

  • Care plans

  • Team Care arrangements

  • Referrals

  • Prescriptions

  • Home Medical Reviews

  • Diabetes Management

  • Chronic Disease Management

  • Spirometry

  • Weight Management

  • Women’s Health

  • Vaccinations

  • Child health

  • Pregnancy Management

  • Family planning

  • Fertility

  • Driving Licence Medicals

  • Workcover appointments

  • Pre-employment medicals

  • Skin cancer detection

  • Skin cancer removal

  • Implanon

  • Depo injection

  • Ultrasound guided procedures

  • Punch biopsies

  • Pathology collection

  • Blood testing

  • Urine testing

  • Asthma and COPD Management

  • Audiological assessments

  • Audigram

And many more services, just call to find out more.

Nurse taking patient's blood pressure