Dr Michael Livingston and his team of Doctors, Nurses and administrators are committed to providing excellence in Rural medical care.

No request is too big or too small. We aim to please and to keep the communities of Ravensthorpe, Hopetoun, Jerramungup, Bremer Bay and Varley happy and healthy.

Dr. Michael Livingston – (GP Surgeon, FACRRM, AST Emergency Medicine, MBBS(Hons), BSc(Hons), HNDip, PC & PDip Skin Cancer, Proceduralist)

Dr. Livingston is a Rural Generalist. He is a recognised proceduralist with qualifications in Surgery and Emergency Medicine. Dr. Livingston has undertaken an additional Diploma in Skin Cancer Medicine and completed courses in ultrasound guided procedures, aesthetic medicine as well as teaching students and registrars across Australia in rural generalist training and emergency medicine.


Photo of Michael Livingston

Dr. Felicity Paget – (MBBS(Hons), BSc(Hons), DCH) – RACGP

Dr. Paget is an Australian trained doctor who qualified in 2015 and has lots of experience working in emergency departments in Perth. Dr. Paget is pursuing her passion for Rural Medicine by training under Dr. Livingston as a Rural Generalist. Her special interests are children’s health, women’s health, addiction medicine and mental health.

Dr. Eleonora Brusasco – (MBChB(UK), FRACGP(Aus)

Dr. Brusasco (Dr. Ellie as she is affectionately known) has practiced women’s health for 15 years and visits several times per year to provide tailored women’s health and mental health consultations. All of Dr. Brusasco’s consults are government funded in order to facilitate women’s health in the country.

Dr. Hareesh Menon – (MD, BSc, MSc)- RACGP

Dr. Menon is relocating from Queensland after working for 3 years in busy regional centres including Bundaberg and Ipswich. Dr. Menon is pursuing his passion for rural and remote medicine by training under the guidance of Dr Livingston. He joins us as a GP trainee with RACGP from January 2022 onwards. His special interests are broad and include sexual health, palliative care and emergency medicine.

Dr. Ines Bapista

Dr. Ines is what you would call a citizen of the world. Born in Portugal, trained in England and now a proud Australian Citizen. She has special interest in Women’s health, having worked for many years in female-only clinics. She also loves looking after little ones and has 2 of her own to keep her on her toes. Outside of work, she is a bit of a foodie and believes sharing food is how love and community are built.

Dr. Timur Navruzov

Dr. Tim has lived in many places and looking for a change of pace. He is trained in the UK and Australia and now calls Australia home. He has a special interest in orthopaedics and skin cancer diagnosis and excision having completed multiple post-graduate courses. outside of work, he enjoys cycling and learning new languages.

Dr. Bahari

Dr. Bahari is originally from Malaysia and has been working in Queensland doing hospital rotations for one year.

Dr Bahari has a special interest in emergency care and obstetrics medicine.  

Dr Bahari will be relocating with his wife Zinnierah, and children Putri and Irshad (“boy”).  

Dr Irene Dolan


Dr Dolan graduated with honours from the University of Western Australia in 2008 and completed GP training in 2015. She has completed a Vocational Graduate Diploma in Women’s Health as well as a Masters of Public Health and Tropical Medicine and a Masters of Occupational and Environmental Health. She has interests in women’s health, mental health and public health. She has a varied work history including work in occupational health, homeless health, sexual health and in non-clinical roles. 
Outside of work Irene enjoys spending time with her young family and is an enthusiastic but not particularly fast swimmer.’



Dr. Ronie

Dr. Ronie is a GP with more than 16 years of experience in Australia, Qatar, China and the Philippines.

Dr Ronie has done a lot of emergency medicine and is now looking to focus on rural Generalism.












Dr. Amil

Dr. Amil is a UK trained GP who rencently completed his fellowship exams with RACGP.

He holds advanced qualifications with DRANZCOG agdn ACEm and has special interest in Emergency Medicine and Women’s health.